Sunday, August 10, 2008


We're recieving reports through AP that Georgian troops have started observing a unilateral ceasefire.

However again we have another account from Interfax claiming that the Russian Government has recieved a note from Tbilisi offering a ceasefire but has not observed one on the ground.

A couple of separate sources in Tbilisi have reported that the two sides are in ceasefire talks and are one point away from an agreement.

So again we have a mass of contradictory reports. I'm sceptical about the possibility of a ceasefire whilst the Abkhaz continue to bomb Kodori Gorge, the Abkhaz are sufficiently independent from Moscow to keep it up anyway and I doubt they will stop until they've retaken it.

I have spent far too much time infront of the computer today, I've barely eaten save some rusks dipped in my coffee, I've hardly slept and I haven't washed. I'm going to take some time out, I'm sick of trying to get a modicum of truth out of vast swathes of constantly updating, contradictory propaganda.

I'll get a proper update done as soon as I'm fed, lunch will give me plenty of opportunity to sound out the rest of the expat community and gather information that wouldn't be available on the web.

Catch you all later.

1 comment:

SteveG said...

Cheers for the updates, news in Blighty has been sensationalist to say the least. It's good to get a bit of objectivity. Make sure you get out on the streets and get some primary sources of information. Spending all day in front of a puter will send you mad.
Will try and catch up with you later or tomorrow eve before I go off to footie. All the best and take care.