Monday, August 11, 2008

Signing off for tonight..

Right, I'm going to make this brief, if you need real news on the ground from a Georgian perspective go to the Civil Georgia weblog

I was exhausted, stressed, smelly and hungry a few days ago.. Now I feel like I'm passing out the other side. Time to get away from it all and chill the fuck out.

Tbilisi is manic, cars speeding everywhere, queues at petrol stations, no money in the cash points.

The Russians are very-fucking-nigh.

Though we should be OK till tomorrow evening after Sarkozy leaves.

I'm starting to make contingency plans to get out, though I'm not quite ready to go yet. But the embassy is less than useless and I don't really want to get trapped here.

Avenues are still very much open right now and not wanting to put too much faith in what Misha says I agree with him that we'll have atleast 12 hours notice before anything serious happens in Tbilisi.

I'll try to keep you all updated, but I don't know for sure how much I'll be online over the next 24 hours.

Winston was mentioned by a Russian lie monger on CNN earlier today. I took some time today to contact some press about him. He's still nameless.

Time to make a move like. Still safe. Love you all.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I don't even know you, but this is an excellent blog I'm telling my friends about. Hope you can stay safe!