Saturday, August 9, 2008

Possible Good News

There are reports coming in that Georgia is withdrawing it's forces from South Ossetia. This represents the first major positive development in the last three days.

The Georgian Interior Ministry have been quoted on the BBC as saying it was not a military defeat but a necessary step to protect civilians from a "humanitarian catastrophe"

I imagine the pull out is in part a result of the US's indication that the situation should be resolved around the pre August 6th status quo, which can be read as a refusal to support Georgian presence in South Ossetia.

The Russians have stated Georgian withdrawal as a prerequisite for ceasefire.

We're all feeling a hell of a lot better after this. We can only hope this is the beginning of a new, more stable phase in the crisis.

I'll keep you all posted with new developments and try and get an analysis piece done by this evening.

1 comment:

Raymond K said...

Yes, I too was very pleased to hear that Georgia moves its troops out of S.O. Of course, the major conclusion of this for now is that S.O. re-integration into Georgia has a probability of NIL. I think Russian influence over Abkhazia and S.O. will just grow, and before too long they will be included in the Russian empire. Georgia, on its side, will see this as The Russian Behemoth meddling with Georgian internal affairs, but comeon. Abkhazia and S.O. is lost for Tbilisi, in my book at least.

I hope you get some sleep, Ian :) I really enjoy reading your perspectives on this. Less sensationalism, more thoughtful response. Keep it up. Btw, I blog a bit about the conflict on