Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Feel terrible, accepted a flight to Munich with the German Embassy. Really spooked despite the ceasefire, tired, stressed, encouraged by Georgians, and worried there might not be another opportunity to get on a plane without paying.

Now it looks like it's chilled out considerably, though I doubt the Russians are finished with Georgia, they're not going to stop till Misha's out and an ex-KGB stooge is in his place.

Let's hope any further interference in Georgian politics is not done with the Russian military.

Left everyone and everything behind there, Munich is horrible, in a hostel with idiot backpackers talking loudly about shit music and beer.

On the upside by pure cooincidence by little brother is on holiday here right now.. I'm looking forward to seeing him more than anything else right now.

Utterly exhausted, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Won't be blogging for a little while, need to recouperate and work out a way back.

Thanks for reading over the last few days..

I'm so sorry to everyone I've left behind, Europe is empty and dead.. Nothing for me here.

Will let you all know what's going on as my plans develop.

Love Inni x

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