Sunday, August 10, 2008

Winston Update

We've found a video stream of Winston being interviewed from a hospital on RussiaToday.

He's on about 20-21 minutes into the feed.

We can confirm that he's been shot, he seems to be in decent shape though. The video footage of him isn't synched with his audio but it's definitely his voice, I have a small suspicion he's been taken majorly out of context.

He says:

"We came here at the start of things, we ran into some problems and they took us to the hospital, I've been here since and I don't know what's going on"

"After we got shot we spent three days here"

"A photographer and a journalist with us were killed. I think one was stringing for Echo Moskvi and the other one was a freelance photographer who has an agency in Georgia"

The Russians claim they don't know his name, they appear to be spinning it so it was the evil Georgians who injured him so the whole thing is probably quite sensitive.

A message on the megobrebs newsgroup reports that he and Temur Kiguradze another messenger journalist have sustained injuries but are well and due to be transferred to Vladikavkaz hospital in North Ossetia.

The broadcast as a whole is extremely pro-Russian and I would advise anyone watching without a background in the situation to take a lot of the information with a healthy pinch of salt.

We cannot confirm or deny he's been "captured" I doubt he has much choice about what he's doing. As an American he should hopefully be treated well, I pray the same can be said for his Georgian collegue.

We're all praying for the saftey of Wiston and Temur, our thoughts also go out to their families and collegues.

1 comment:

Raymond K said...

I HAD to stop watching once the big capital letters "THE WAR" came forth at 44 seconds into the video. This is sickening.

I hope Wiston and Temur are ok.